Soft toys
Our company is of duty in the production of soft toys in Ukraine. For over 15 years we have been producing soft toys in sizes from 35 cm to 200 cm. The main criterion in production quality is. Our toys are of hypoallergenic quality and classic design. All toys are safe, soft and pleasant to the touch.
The catalog contains: dogs, bears, pandas, pillows, toys, symbols of the year, etc. Here you can find the catalog. All bears have the correct proportions and a cute look. teddy bears come in a variety of colors and sizes, with or without hearts. We use safe synthetic fluff filler. The factory manufactures both small toys for children and large bears two meters in height. The toys are pleasantly springy, the filler holds its shape for a long time.
We offer supply of soft toys to your country. We can produce both small batches of soft toys and a large batch for by shipping container around the world. The factory of soft toys is located in Ukraine, nearby there are international commercial seaports and fast air connections. If you need a special batch of soft toys, you can check with us the possibility of making it. For more details, please check with the manager the prices and terms of delivery.
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